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Martin Horvat

Violin Maker

" It's not only about choosing an instrument, it's also about what kind of musician you want to be"

Welcome to my homepage. Here you find some essential information about me and my work.

Instrument-making combines my early passions: making music, visual arts and science.

As artisan, artist and expert of resonance I bring them into harmony in my Cremona based workshop.

My Instruments


I have fond memories of the time - about a year ago now - when I was allowed to play the cello of master Martín Horvat for several months, in order to finally present it to a selected audience in an event at the House of Music, Vienna. As is well known, Martin Horvat is not only a master of his craft. He has the talent to give the instrument a soul, something that goes far beyond "skill" and that makes the instrument unique. Instrument and player will continue to develop mutually over the years and decades.

Valentin Erben* about my Cello "Argon Kilauea"*Former cellist of the Alban Berg Quartet, retired professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

You are constantly evolving. The sound of this cello awakens the image of a dome in me: something solid that does not collapse...and it sounds. The dome of Florence....a Buddha sound.

Valentin Erben* about my Cello "Manesse"*Former cellist of the Alban Berg Quartet, retired professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

During the years I was studying I would use borrowed instruments and on the days I had to give them back, the separation became more and more painful, as if I was losing a part of myself. I always dreamed of one day owning my own instrument. After years of resaerch, in an exhibition of stringed instruments, I found a truly beautyful violin made by Martin Horvat. It was love at first sight: fine, beautyful, elegant and at the same time strong and defined. But the most important thing: the sound hit me straightaway with that certain “je ne sais quoi”: brilliant, full, rounded and warm, probably the dream of every musician. Several years have gone by and every day I find satisfaction in playing this charming instrument, whether in an orchestra, string quartet or while teaching. Like a good partner, it continually offers me new motivation for my goals and future projects. Moreover, I can always count on Martin's meticulous and proifessional assistance, despite the distance between Vienna and Cremona. I wholeheartedly recommend that colleagues try an instrument made by Martin. The res just happens by itself...

Eniloe CzeleczVienna Chamber Orchestra (Wiener Kammerorchester)

In 2013, I acquired a Martin Horvat cello from 2010 and have since performed, recorded, and taught with it. During this time, it has made enormous tonal progress and is not only a reliable instrument when I travel, but a true and fully adequate alternative to my old Venetian instrument. Every cellist would feel fortunate to own it

Martin RummelSoloist

The most convincing modern violin I have ever played

Emmanuel TjeknavorianSoloist

I would like to express my great gratitude that Martin took care of my violin and, with patience, expert knowledge, empathy, talent and dedication, brought out the optimum in sound and playability. Unlike other violin makers before him, Martin works with unrivaled precision and absolutely satisfactory results. I would also like to emphasize the great intuition, fine sensibility and trained ear with which he approached the matter, no matter how much time was required.

Szilard SzigetySϋdwestdeutsche Philharmonie Constance

A beautiful instrument. The G-string is phenomenal; you rarely hear something like that. The cello is balanced across all four strings and the presence of the middle strings is remarkable.

Othmar Müller Cellist, member of the Artist Quartet, Vienna, Professor at Joseph Haydn Konservatorium Eisenstadt.

